Pets on Board – Tips for safety

Keeping Your Pets Safe When Boating: A Comprehensive Guide

Boating can be a fun and exhilarating experience, not just for you but for your furry friends as well. However, taking pets on a boat requires careful planning and attention to safety. Here are essential tips to ensure your pets have a safe and enjoyable boating adventure.

1. Invest in a Pet Life Jacket

Just like humans, pets need life jackets. Even if your pet is a strong swimmer, unexpected situations can arise. Ensure the life jacket fits snugly and has a handle on the back, making it easier to lift your pet out of the water if necessary. Familiarize your pet with the life jacket before heading out by letting them wear it at home.

2. Create a Pet-Friendly Area

Designate a specific area on the boat for your pet. This space should be shaded and non-slip to prevent any accidents. A non-slip mat can provide additional stability. Ensure there’s plenty of water available and a comfortable place for your pet to rest.

3. Hydration is Key

Boating under the sun can be dehydrating for pets. Always have fresh water available and encourage your pet to drink regularly. Avoid allowing your pet to drink seawater or lake water, as it can lead to stomach issues and dehydration.

4. Protect from the Sun

Pets can get sunburned, especially those with short or light-colored fur. Apply pet-safe sunscreen to exposed areas like the nose, ears, and belly. Ensure there’s a shaded area on the boat where your pet can escape the direct sun.

5. Keep an Eye on the Weather

Before heading out, check the weather forecast. Avoid boating during extreme heat, high winds, or storms. Pets are more sensitive to weather changes and may become anxious during turbulent conditions.

6. Training and Familiarization

If it’s your pet’s first time on a boat, allow them to explore the boat while it’s docked. Familiarizing them with the boat’s environment can reduce anxiety. Basic obedience training can also be beneficial, ensuring your pet responds to commands even in an unfamiliar setting.

7. Safety Gear and First Aid

Keep a pet-specific first aid kit on board. This should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, and any medications your pet may need. A collapsible bowl, spare leash, and waste bags are also essential.

8. Supervision and Control

Never leave your pet unattended on a boat. Always supervise them, especially when the boat is moving. Use a harness and leash to keep them secure but ensure the leash is not too long to prevent tangling.

9. Plan for Potty Breaks

Pets will need bathroom breaks during the trip. Plan your route to include stops at pet-friendly marinas or areas where your pet can relieve themselves. For longer trips, you might need a portable potty solution.

10. Know Your Pet’s Limits

Not all pets enjoy being on the water. Watch for signs of stress such as excessive panting, drooling, or restlessness. If your pet shows signs of distress, it may be best to cut the trip short.


Boating with your pet can be a memorable experience with proper preparation and attention to safety. By investing in the right equipment, maintaining constant supervision, and being mindful of your pet’s needs, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable outing for everyone involved. Happy boating!

Site created by Steve Stedman of Stedman Solutions, llc.